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Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine About us

The high level of specialization in pediatrics requires interdisciplinary cooperation in the care of complex and chronically ill children and adolescents as well as those with acute serious illnesses according to the principle of evidence-based medicine. We offer outpatient and inpatient tertiary care for all age groups, from the smallest premature babies to young adults, take into account the involvement of relatives and place the "child" at the center of our actions.

In keeping with the motto "specialists for the child", we offer optimal care with the "Pediatric Center" by cooperating with the various specialist disciplines.

As the largest pediatric facility in Austria, we are actively involved in the training of our future physicians and are achieving notable successes in research at the top of Europe. In 2023, we were able to publish 398 articles, resulting in a scientific evaluation of 3,434 IF in total.

Contact & Location plan

Medical University of Vienna
Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
South Garden Clinics
Währinger Gürtel 18–20
1090 Vienna

Tel.: +43 (0)1 40400-32320

Contact & Location plan


Since the mid-1960s, all newborns have been examined for rare congenital diseases as part of the newborn-screening. This preventive program is carried out centrally at our clinic for the whole of Austria.



The Comprehensive Center for Pediatrics (CCP) is a Europe-wide flagship project that brings together and networks all experts for pregnant women, children, and adolescents at the Medical University of Vienna at one location.


Rare Diseases

Find out more about important projects such as the European Hospital Network (EUHA), Orphanet, the European Reference Networks (ERNs), and much more. Here we are committed to ensuring that persons affected by rare diseases receive the best possible care and support.

Rare Diseases

Research Core Units

The scientific research at our clinic is structured in the form
of research priorities of the respective clinical divisions and a
research core unit.

  • Neonatology, Pediatric Intensive Care Medicine,
    Oncology, Epileptology
  • Organ Failure and Organ Replacement
  • Pediatric Cardiology
  • Pediatric Psychosomatics
  • Pediatric Pulmonology, Allergology, Endocrinology,
    Metabolism, Neuropediatrics, Nutritional Medicine
Research Core Units