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Pediatric Virtual Reality Laboratory (PedVR-Lab)
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Felnhofer, A., Klier, C., & Galliez, S. (2022). Therapie-Tools: Selbstwert im Kindes- und Jugendalter. Weinheim: Beltz.

Felnhofer, A., Kothgassner, O. D., & Galliez, S. (2020). Therapie-Tools: Problematische Mediennutzung im Kindes- und Jugendalter. Weinheim: Beltz.

Kothgassner, O. D. & Felnhofer, A. (Hrsg.) (2018). Klinische Cyberpsychologie und Cybertherapie. Wien: UTB facultas.wuv.

Felnhofer, A. & Kothgassner, O.D. (eds.) (2014). Challenging Presence: Proceedings of the International Society for Presence Research. 15th International Conference on Presence. Wien: facultas.wuv.

Felnhofer, A., Kothgassner, O. D. & Kryspin-Exner, I. (Hrsg.) (2011). Ethik in der Psychologie. Wien: UTB facultas.wuv.

Felnhofer, A.*#, Pfannerstill, F.*, Gänsler, L., Humer, E., Kothgassner, O.D., Büttner, J., & Probst, T. (2025). Barriers to Adopting Therapeutic Virtual Reality: The Perspective of Clinical Psychologists and Psychotherapists. Frontiers in Psychiatry, Section Public Mental Health, 16,

Felnhofer, A. #, Knaust, T., Weiss L., Goinska, K., Mayer, A., & Kothgassner, O.D. (2024). A virtual character’s agency affects social responses in immersive virtual reality: A systematic review and meta-analysis, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 40(16), 4167-4182,

Kafka, J.X., Kothgassner, O.D.#, & Felnhofer, A.# (2024). A Matter of Trust: Confidentiality in therapeutic relationships during psychological and medical treatment in psychosomatic children and adolescents. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 13(6), 1752.

Lalic, K., Kothgassner, O.D., Hlavacs, H., Felnhofer, A., & Galliez, S. (2024). FiGHT: A (Web page) Quiz that Will Improve Communication between the Doctors and Adolescents Suffering from Eating Disorders and Distorted Perceptions of Beauty. IEEE 12th International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health (SeGAH 2024), Funchal, Portugal, Aug 7-9.

Santillan-Ramos, P., Humer, E., Schaffler, Y., Pieh, C., Probst, T., Felnhofer, A., Kothgassner, O., Netzer, I., & Jesser, A. (2024). Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the work of clinical psychologists in Austria: results of a mixed methods study. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 15, 1302442, 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1302442

Jesser, A., Steinböck, A., Pammer, B., Ghorab, T., Weber, M., Schaffler, Y., Probst, T., Felnhofer, A., Kothgassner, O.D., Pieh, C., & Humer, E. (2024). Burdens and resources of Austrian clinical psychologists: Results of a qualitative study two years into the COVID-19 pandemic. BMC Psychology, 12, 205 

Felnhofer, A. (2023). Chancen virtueller Realitäten in der Therapie von Kindern und Jugendlichen. Pädiatrie & Pädologie, 58(Suppl. 2), 130-133.

Felnhofer, A., Martinek, D., Pazour, P., & Riva, G. (2023). PAIN-EX:  Probing Alternative Interventions for Neutralizing pain EXperiences via Embodiment in Virtual Reality. Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking, 26(8), 1-3.

Weiss, L. & Felnhofer, A. (2023). Spotlight Communication: Overcoming Pain with Virtual Reality: Exploring the Potential of VR as a Tool for Pediatric Pain Management. Digital Psychology, 4(1), 25-32.

Kothgassner, O.D. & Felnhofer, A. (2023). ChatGPT, who? Digital Psychology, 4(1), 1.

Humer, E., Pammer, B., Schaffler, Y., Kothgassner, O.D., Felnhofer, A., Jesser, A., Pieh, C., & Probst, T. (2023). Comparison of mental health indicators in clinical psychologists with the general population during the COVID-19 pandemic. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 5050.

Felnhofer, A., Kernreiter, J., Klier, C., Huscsava, M., Fiala, C., & Zeiler, M.# (2023). Anonymous birth: Biographical knowledge and dyadic coping in adoptive mothers and fathers, Current Psychology, 42(4), 2719-2732.

Felnhofer, A. & Kothgassner, O.D. (2022). Letter. Presence and Immersion: A tale of two cities. Digital Psychology, 3(2), 3-6.

Giordano, V., Bibl, K., Felnhofer, A., Kothgassner, O.D., Steinbauer, P., Eibensteiner, F., Gröpel, P., Scharnowski, F., Wagner, M., Berger, A., Olischar, M., & Steyrl, D., (2022). Effects of psychological characteristics, personality traits and training on performance in a neonatal resuscitation scenario: a machine learning based analysis, Frontiers in Pediatrics, 10, 1000544.

Knaust, T., Felnhofer, A., Kothgassner, O.D., Gorzka, R.-J. Höllmer, H., & Schulz, H. (2022). Die räumliche Präsenz mediiert den Einfluss von Immersivität auf Entspannung: Eine Sekundäranalyse, Digital Psychology, 3(2), 7-26.

Knaust, T., Felnhofer, A., Kothgassner, O.D., Reinke, M., Höllmer, H., & Schulz, H. (2022). The relaxation effect of a monoscopic 360° nature video presented with different immersion levels for patients with PTSD: A protocol for a randomized mixed-methods feasibility study, European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 13(2), 2101765,

Knaust, T., Felnhofer, A., Kothgassner, O.D., Höllmer, H., Gorzka, R.-J., & Schulz, H., (2022). Immersive relaxation – Is an immersive beach more relaxing than a non-immersive one or a control condition without a beach? Virtual Reality, 26, 925–938

Felnhofer, A., Wittmann, L., Reichmann, A.., König, D., & Kothgassner, O.D.# (2022). Character identification is predicted by narrative transportation, immersive tendencies, and interactivity. Current Psychology, accepted.

Kothgassner, O.D., Goreis, A., Bauda, I., Ziegenaus, A., Glenk, L.M. & Felnhofer, A. (2022). Virtual Reality Biofeedback Interventions: A systematic review, meta-analysis and future perspectives, Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift, 134(Suppl. 1), 49-59.

Lüddecke, R. & Felnhofer, A.# (2022). Virtual Reality Biofeedback in Health: A scoping review. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 47(1), 1-15.

Felnhofer, A. & Kothgassner, O.D. (2022). The Tower of Babel: Virtual Reality revisited. Digital Psychology, 3(2), 1-2.

Kothgassner, O.D. & Felnhofer, A. (2022). #instantmessaging and the Unbearable Distress of Being Online. Digital Psychology, 3(1), 1-2.

Muin, D., Erlacher, J. Leutgeb, S., Toth, B., & Felnhofer, A. (2022). Personality traits and stress coping among obstetricians diagnosing and communicating fetal death: A cross-sectional study, International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, 158, 453-461.

Muin, D., Erlacher, J. Leutgeb, S., & Felnhofer, A. (2021). Facilitators and Strategies for Breaking the News of an Intrauterine Death—A Mixed Methods Study among Obstetricians, Journal of Clinical Medicine, 10(22), 5347;

Kothgassner, O.D., Goreis, A., Glenk, L.M., Kafka, J.X., Pfeffer, B., Beutl, L., Kryspin-Exner, I., Hlavacs, H., Palme, R. & Felnhofer, A.# (2021). Habituation of salivary cortisol and heart rate responses to a repeated real-life and virtual reality Trier Social Stress Test, Physiology & Behavior, 242, 113618,

Klier, C., Amminger, P., Kothgassner, O.D., Laczkovics, C., & Felnhofer, A. (2021). Letter to the Editor: Cannabidiol Treatment—Is There an Effect on Cognitive Functioning, Quality of Life, and Behavior? A Case Report. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 31(6), 447-449.

Kothgassner, O.D., & Felnhofer, A.# (2021). Lack of research on efficacy of Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy (VRET) for anxiety disorders in children and adolescents: A systematic review, Neuropsychiatrie, 35(2), 68-75,

Felnhofer, A., Kothgassner, O.D., Stoll, A., & Klier, C.# (2021). Knowledge about and attitudes towards medical cannabis among Austrian university students. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 58, 102700.

Felnhofer, A. & Fischer-Grote, L. (2021). Einsatz neuer Medien in der Pädiatrischen Psychosomatik. Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde, 169(7), 628-632.

Felnhofer, A. & Kothgassner, O.D. (2021). Editorial: Distance Learning: Pitfalls and Possibilities. Digital Psychology, 2(2), 1-2.

Kothgassner, O.D., & Felnhofer, A. (2021). Editorial: Should we use more digital therapy in clinical practice?. Digital Psychology, 2(1), 1-3.

Kothgassner, O.D., Goreis, A., Glenk, L.M., Kafka, J.X., Rudyk, J., Beutl, L., Kryspin-Exner, I., Hlavacs, H., Palme, R. & Felnhofer, A.# (2021). Virtual and real-life ostracism and its impact on a subsequent acute stressor, Physiology & Behavior, 228, 113205.

Laczkovics, C., Kothgassner, O.D., Felnhofer, A., Klier, C. (2021). Cannabidiol treatment in an adolescent with multiple substance abuse, social anxiety and depression, Neuropsychiatrie, 35(1), 31-34.

Fischer-Grote, L., Kothgassner, O.D., & Felnhofer, A.# (2020). The impact of problematic smartphone on children’s and adolescents’ quality of life: A systematic review. Acta Paediatrica, 110(5), 1417-1424. 

Kernreiter, J., Klier, C., Zeiler, M., Huscsava, M., Fiala, C., & Felnhofer, A.# (2020). The anonymously adopted child: Impact of age and parental psychopathology on adoptees’ mental health, Children and Youth Services Review, 119, 105672. https://doi-org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2020.105672

Knaust, T., Felnhofer, A., Kothgassner, O.D., Höllmer, H., Gorzka, R.-J., & Schulz, H., (2020). Virtual trauma interventions for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorders: A scoping review. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 562506.

Lenz, A., Hlavacs, H., Kothgassner, O., & Felnhofer, A. (2020). Conquer Catharsis – A VR Environment for Anxiety Treatment of Children and Adolescents. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 12523, 151–162.

Hoppenstedt, B., Probst, T., Reichert, M., Schlee, W., Kammerer, K., Spiliopoulou, M., Schobel, J., Zimoch, M., Felnhofer, A., Kothgassner, O.D., Pryss, R. (2020). Evaluating Usability Aspects of A Mixed Reality Solution for Immersive Analytics in Industry 4.0 Scenarios, JoVE Journal of Visualized Experiments, 2020(164), 1-26, e61349

Felnhofer, A. & Kothgassner, O.D. (2020). Editorial. Science in times of COVID-19: Remembering to tread the side paths. Digital Psychology, 1(2), 1-2.

Kothgassner, O.D., & Felnhofer, A. (2020). Editorial: Digital Psychology as a growing field of research. Digital Psychology, 1(1), 1.

Felnhofer, A., Bussek, T., Goreis, A., Kafka, J.X., König, D., Klier, C., Zesch, H., & Kothgassner, O.D.# (2020). Mothers’ and fathers’ perspectives on the causes of their child’s disorder, Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 45(7), 803-811.

Kothgassner, O.D., & Felnhofer, A.# (2020). Does Virtual Reality help to cut the Gordian Knot between ecological validity and experimental control? Annals of the International Communication Association, 44(3), 210-218. https://doi-org/10.1080/23808985.2020.1792790

Goreis, A., Felnhofer, A., Kafka, J.X., Probst, T., & Kothgassner, O.D.# (2020). Efficacy of smartphone-based apps for post-traumatic stress (PTSD) symptoms: A meta-analysis. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 14(3).

Glenk, L.M.*, Kothgassner, O.D.*, Felnhofer, A., Gotovina, J., Pranger, C., Jensen, A.N., Mothes-Luksch, N., Goreis, A., Palme, R., & Jensen-Jarolim, E. (2020). Salivary cortisol responses to acute stress vary between allergic and healthy individuals: the role of plasma oxytocin, emotion regulation strategies, reported stress and anxiety. Stress, 23(3), 275-283.

Klier, C.M., de Gier, C., Felnhofer, A., Laczkovics, C., & Amminger, P. (2020). A Case Report of Cannabidiol Treatment of a Crohn’s Disease Patient with Anxiety Disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 40(1), 90-92.

Völkl-Kernstock, S., Kletecka-Pulker, M., Felnhofer, A., Kothgassner, O.D., Skala, K., Hansmann, B. & Wenzel, T. (2019). Psychopathology and Quality of Life in Traumatized or Victimized Underage Individuals as Factors for Forensic Multilevel Assessment—A Pilot Investigation. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 10, 684.

Fischer-Grote, L., Kothgassner, O.D.#, & Felnhofer, A.# (2019). Risk factors for problematic smartphone use in children and adolescents: A review of existing literature. Neuropsychiatrie, 33, 179-190. https://doi-org/10.1007/s40211-019-00319-8

Kothgassner, O.D.#, Goreis, A., Kafka, J.X., van Eickels, R., Plener, P., & Felnhofer, A. (2019). Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): A Meta-Analysis. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 10(1), 1654782,

Felnhofer, A., Kaufmann, M., Kafka, J., Atteneder, K., Hlavacs, H., Beutl, L., Hennig-Fast, K., & Kothgassner, O.D.# (2019). The mere presence of an attentive and emotionally responsive virtual character influences focus of attention and perceived stress, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 132, 45-51.

Hoppenstedt, B., Probst, T., Reichert, M., Schlee, W., Kammerer, K., Spiliopoulou, M., Schobel, J., Zimoch, M., Felnhofer, A., Kothgassner, O.D., Pryss, R. (2019). Applicability of Immersive Analytics in Mixed Reality: Usability Study. IEEE Access, 7(1), 71921-71932.

Felnhofer, A., Goreis, A., Bussek, T., Kafka, J.X., König, D., Klier, C., Zesch, H., & Kothgassner, O.D.# (2019). Evaluating Parents’ and Children’s Assessments of Competence, Health Related Quality of Life and Illness Perception. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 28, 2690-2699. https://doi-org/10.1007/s10826-019-01449-x

Kothgassner, O.D., Goreis, A., Kafka, J., Kaufmann, M., Atteneder, K., Beutl, L., Hennig-Fast, K., Hlavacs, H., & Felnhofer, A.# (2019). Virtual social support buffers stress response: an experimental comparison of real-life and virtual support prior to a social stressor, Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 63, 57-65.

Felnhofer, A., Hlavacs, H., Beutl, L., Kryspin-Exner, I., & Kothgassner, O.D.# (2019). Physical presence, social presence and anxiety in participants with social anxiety disorder during virtual cue exposure. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 22(1), 46-50.

Krösl, K., Felnhofer, A., Kafka, J.X., Schuster, L., Rinnerthaler, A., Wimmer, M., & Kothgassner, O.D. (2018). The virtual schoolyard: attention training in virtual reality for children with attentional disorders. In ACM SIGGRAPH 2018 Posters, a27.

Eisenwort, B., Felnhofer, A., & Klier, C. (2018). Mehrsprachiges Aufwachsen und Sprachentwicklungsstörungen. Eine Übersichtsarbeit. Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie, 46(6), 488-496.

Pletschko, T., Felnhofer, A., Lamplmair, D., Dorfer, C., Czech, T., Slavc, I. & Leiss, U. (2018). Cerebellar pilocytic astrocytoma in childhood: Investigating the long-term impact of surgery on cognitive performance and functional outcome. Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 21(6), 415-422

Gotovina, J., Pranger, C.L., Jensen, A.N., Wagner, S., Kothgassner, O.D., Mothes-Luksch, N., Palme, R., Larenas-Linnemann, D., Singh, J., Mösges, R., Felnhofer, A., Glenk, L.M., Jensen-Jarolim, E. (2018). Elevated oxytocin and noradrenaline indicate higher stress levels in allergic rhinitis patients: Implications for the skin prick diagnosis in a pilot study. PLoS ONE 13(5), 1-17. e0196879.

Kothgassner, O.D., Goreis, A., Kafka, J., Hlavacs, H., Beutl, L., Kryspin-Exner, I., & Felnhofer, A.# (2018). Agency and gender influence older adults’ presence-related experiences in an interactive virtual environment. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 21(5), 318–324. 

Felnhofer, A., Kafka, J., Beutl, L., Hlavacs, H., Kryspin-Exner, I., & Kothgassner, O.D.# (2018). Meeting others virtually in a day-to-day setting: Investigating social avoidance and prosocial behavior towards avatars and agents. Computers in Human Behavior, 80, 399–406.